iPad modelnumre

Det kan være svært at hitte rundt de enkelte modeller af specielt iPad. Fx hedder 2017-udgaven af 9,7″-udgaven blot iPad. Tidligere udgaver har hedder iPad Air og meget andet.De enkelte modeller har faktisk er “rigtigt” modelnummer, men det bruges normalt ikke i markedsføringen. Desværre – det ville ellers hjælpe med at identificere de forskellige udgaver.
Nummeret kan findes bag på iPad’en, men der er brug for en lup, for det er meget småt.
Her er en oversigt over modelnumrene på iPad – med det nyeste først.
- A1219 (Wi-Fi), A1337: iPad 1
- A1395(Wi-Fi), A1396, A1397: iPad 2
- A1403, A1416(Wi-Fi), A1430: iPad 3
- A1458(Wi-Fi), A1459, A1460: iPad 4
- A1822(Wi-Fi), A1823: iPad 5
- A1893(Wi-Fi), A1954 :iPad 6
- A2197(Wi-Fi), A2200, A2198: iPad 7
- A2270 on iPad (8th generation)
- A2428, A2429, A2430 on iPad (8th generation) Wi-Fi + Cellular
- Model numbers (on the back cover):
- A2602 on iPad (9th generation)
- A2604 on iPad (9th generation) Wi-Fi + Cellular
- A2603 on iPad (9th generation) Wi-Fi + Cellular (North America only)
- A2605 on iPad (9th generation) Wi-Fi + Cellular (China mainland only)
IPad Mini
- A1432(Wi-Fi), A1454, A1455: iPad Mini
- A1489(Wi-Fi), A1490, A1491: iPad Mini 2
- A1599(Wi-Fi), A1600: iPad Mini 3
- A1538(Wi-Fi), A1550: iPad Mini 4
- A2133(Wi-Fi), A2124, A2126, A2125: iPad Mini 5
- Model number (on back cover):
- A2567 on iPad mini (6th generation)
- A2568 on iPad mini (6th generation) Wi-Fi + Cellular
- A2569 on iPad mini (6th generation) Wi-Fi + Cellular (China mainland only)
IPad Air
- A1474(Wi-Fi), A1475, A1476: iPad Air 1
- A1566(Wi-Fi), A1567: iPad Air 2
- A2152(Wi-Fi), A2123, A2153, A2154: iPad Air 3
- Model number (on back cover):
- A2316 on iPad Air (4th generation)
- A2324, A2325, A2072 on iPad Air (4th generation) Wi-Fi + Cellular
IPad Pro
- A1584(Wi-Fi), A1652: iPad Pro 12.9″
- A1673(Wi-Fi), A1674, A1675: iPad Pro 9.7
- A1701(Wi-Fi), A1709: iPad Pro 10.5″
- A1670(Wi-Fi), A1671: iPad Pro 12.9 second generation
- A1876(Wi-Fi), A2014, A1895, A1983: iPad Pro 12.9 third generation
- A1980(Wi-Fi), A2013, A1934, A1979: iPad Pro 11″
- Model number (on the back cover):
- A2228 on the iPad Pro
- A2068, A2230 on the iPad Pro Wi-Fi + Cellular
- A2231 on the iPad Pro Wi-Fi + Cellular (China mainland only)
- Model number (on the back cover):
- A2229 on the iPad Pro IPad Pro 12,9 4.Gen
- A2069, A2232 on the iPad Pro Wi-Fi + Cellular
- A2233 on the iPad Pro Wi-Fi + Cellular (China mainland only)
- Model number (on the back cover):
- A2377 on the iPad Pro
- A2459 on the iPad Pro Wi-Fi + Cellular
- A2301 on the iPad Pro Wi-Fi + Cellular with mmWave
- A2460 on the iPad Pro Wi-Fi + Cellular (China mainland only)
- Model number (on the back cover):
- A2378 on the iPad Pro
- A2461 on the iPad Pro Wi-Fi + Cellular
- A2379 on the iPad Pro Wi-Fi + Cellular with mmWave